Rennes 2 University
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A New Program for the Conference Series: Equality Tuesdays


Since the start of the 2016 academic year, Rennes 2 University has been organising Equality Tuesdays, a set of seminars to raise awareness of equality issues. 

Equality Tuesdays
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In conjunction with the Equality Mission of our University, Rennes 2's Cultural Office has organized another year of Equality Tuesdays conferences and roundtables, a series of meetings aimed at creating discussion and debate on equality and the fight against violence and discrimination. These discussions and awareness-raising events are free and open to the general public.

The meetings are broadcast on L'aire d'u, the University of Rennes 2's webmedia. You can find all the lectures given as part of this programme in free access.

Some events planned during this first semester will include: 

Healthy and sustainable food: for everyone?

Conference by Nicole Darmon

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

6pm - Le Tambour (bât. O)
In partnership with the INA -  Institut National de l’Audiovisuel

Honorary Research Director at INRAE, Nicole Darmon is a specialist in nutrition and public health, and an expert in social inequalities in nutrition and sustainable food. President of the ActAP association, she supervises the OPTICOURSES program, aimed at reconciling sustainable food and budget.

During this conference, which will be based on television archives from the INA, she will discuss the food aid system, which is at the end of its tether in the face of growing food insecurity. This situation is due to inflation, which has led to the widespread use of strategies usually reserved for people on a tight budget.

Other solutions will be discussed, such as "Social Security for Food" which aims to promote more sustainable food systems by acting simultaneously on global warming and social inequalities.

For Nicole Darmon, although a healthy and sustainable diet is more difficult with a limited budget, it remains possible.

The so-called "colored" champions of the 1880s-1930s between myths and realities.
The media construction of otherness (late 19th century - 1930s).

Conference by Philippe Tétart

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 

6pm - Le Tambour (bât. O)
In partnership with the Presses Universitaires de Rennes (PUR)

Michel Zélélé, "Germain le Nègre", "Battling Youyou", Abdelkader Abbès, Panama Al Brown, Kisso Kawamuro, "Battling Siki", René Menrath, and many others were high-level athletes between the 1860s and 1940s. Renowned athletes in their time, however, are few who are remembered today.

The book Champions dits "de couleur" entre mythes et réalités, pauss in May 2024 at the Presses Universitaires de Rennes, returns to these personalities and reveals the existence of an important pool of athletes called "de couleur" from the analysis of more than 20,000 articles in the French press of the 1870s and 1930s.
The three publishing directors, historians and lecturers, Yvan Gastaut (Université Côte d'Azur), Didier Rey (University of Corsica) and Philippe Tétart (Le Mans University), share the same observation: these athletes have come out of the collective memory. "Forgotten because they are not white? " wonders Yvan Gastaut.

Without minimizing the impact of racism inherent in French colonial society at the time, their analyses, in this book, reveal a complex history and revive these forgotten figures by avoiding the rut of caricature and small mythologies.

Are Muslim women not women?

Conference by Hanane Karimi

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

6pm - Le Tambour (bât. O)

In connection with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women.

In his book from his sociology thesis Les femmes musulmanes ne sont-elles pas des femmes ? (March 2023, ed. Out of reach), Hanane Karimi analyzes the effects of Islamophobia whose origins she traces: the marginalization of a certain category of immigrants and children of immigrants, the reduced citizenship that is granted to these "paper French" and the focus of Islamophobic discourses on Muslim women.

It also shows how they are excluded from the women's cause, but also how resistance is organized, at different levels and in different ways, in particular through collective mobilizations or the use of secure and restorative spaces. She looks back on her own experience as a "visible" Muslim researcher and the attempts at discrediting and intimidation she faced.

Hanane Karimi is a lecturer in sociology at the University of Strasbourg. She is co-holder of the France-Quebec Chair on Freedom of Expression. Her research focuses on the policies of "new secularism" and strategies of resistance.

Based on her book, whose title is a nod to the author and African-American feminist activist bell hooks (Am I not a woman?), she will propose at this conference an analysis of the Islamophobia and racial sexism that underlie the way Muslim women are treated in France, whether they are immigrants or descendants of immigrants.

Introduction to the fight against anti-Semitism

Conference by Jonas Pardo

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

6pm - Le Tambour (bât. O)

In partnership with Les Éditions du commun.

Jonas Pardo is the co-author of the Petit manuel de lutte contre l'anti-Semitisme (éditions du Commun, October 2024). A tool for the general public and the actors and actresses of the social movement, it traces the long history of the construction of accusations made against Jews, from ancient anti-Judaism to conspiracy theories and contemporary anti-Semitism.

Designed as a practical tool, the manual is divided into three parts: a definition of what the name "Jewish" covers, a historical part to understand the process of racialization of Jews over a long time and, finally, analyses and concrete proposals about anti-Semitism in development since the 2000s. The manual allows the reader to embrace the complexity of the phenomenon of anti-Semitism, its systemic nature, its social and political implications, and to appropriate the tools to join the anti-racist fight.

Jonas Pardo is the creator and facilitator of training in the fight against anti-Semitism. He offers here an introduction to the fight against anti-Semitism and a decryption of anti-Semitic iconography, to learn how to recognize and confront anti-Semitism.
